Nasir State Company for Mechanical Industries operating in several projects

Nasir State Company for Mechanical Industries one of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals State Companies disclosed that the company has done some important contracts with a number of companies and State Institutions private sector 2012.
Chief Engineer Dhaif Mahmood Fayhan the company General Director said that the company supplied Middle Power Company with poles at (9-14m) lengths. Along with that, the company has ventured in a contract with State Directorate Power Project Transfer which affiliates to the Ministry of Electricity to manufacture.
In the oil and natural gas sector, company is also working and has made a couple of contracts, the first one is with the Middle Refineries Company which affiliates to the Ministry of Oil and the second one is Northern Gas Company to manufacture 2 caravans at a value of 43 million I.D.
Mr. Fayhan also remarked that the company has also manufactured 4 bridges cranes, having power to take up load up to 10 ton and 4 caravans for the benefits of Christian Endowment. The company also had manufactured complex poles, which are used in building or other constructions.
Last Update:: 05/04/2013
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