Iraq's security forces repulse militants' attack on Baiji oil refinery


Iraq's security forces have managed to repulse an attack launched by militants of the Islamic State grouping on the country's largest oil refinery at Baiji, the Al Arabiya television channel reported on Sunday.

According to existing data, the extremists had launched an assault on the oil refinery, which is located 40 km north of Tikrit (the administrative center of Salah el Din province) on Friday night. Fierce clashes ensued almost immediately after that. Clashes continued on Saturday and Sunday. Losses on both sides have not been reported so far.

The Islamic State radicals repeatedly attempted to gain control of the enterprise which is situated not far from the city held by them. However, they met with a rebuff either from security forces or the fighters of local Sunni tribes.

The Baiji oil refinery meets the requirements of most of Iraqi provinces for petroleum products. The refinery's production capacity is estimated at approximately 600,000 barrels a day.

Last Update:: 25/08/2014
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