Iraqi prime minister confirms liberation of Tikrit going as per plan

Prime minister of Iraq, Haider al-Abadi, stated that operations to free Salah-il-Din province from ISIL militants are going on.
In a statement, prime minister’s office said, "Liberating Tikrit is possible now but we are keen in protecting the civilians and preparing for a perfect spread for the soldiers in the positions of the battle field."
Mr. Abadi remarked that the changes in security commands do not mean that those commands are not qualified. To push new blood in military operations, such strategies are adopted.
The Commanding General of the Iraqi Armed Forces confirmed that they work in the interest of the country and the people.
Mr. Abadi mentioned, "Iraq enjoys a wide international support and we stress the necessity of respecting the Iraqi sovereignty since victories were achieved by Iraqi hands."
He finally highly appreciated the Fatwa of the Supreme Religious Authority Ali al-Sistani concerning Jihad for fighting terrorist groups in Iraq.
Last Update:: 20/03/2015
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