PM office: HRW report about Tikrit has fallacies & incites sectarianism

Human Rights Watch published on 20/09/2015 an extended report on the battle to liberate Tikrit that was full of fallacies and unverified testimony and incites unjustified sectarianism and distortion of the facts, the media of the PM said in a statement on Tuesday.

The report titled ‘Ruinous Aftermath: Militia Abuses Following Iraq’s Recapture of Tikrit’ focuses on ISIL's withdrawal and acquits it of acts of destruction and sabotage, murder and pillage that it has pursued in areas under their control. HRW has relied on unverified video recordings and telephone calls reporting acts of robbery, looting and destruction, and recorded them as local eyewitness testimony, and doubted without justification the numbers of victims of the Speicher massacre, which ISIL admitted that it had committed, the statement added.
Last Update:: 22/09/2015
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