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Iraq plans direct flight between Baghdad and Moscow

Iraq plans direct flight between Baghdad and Moscow
The Russian Embassy in Baghdad announced that Iraq and Russia are working on opening a new direct flight course between Baghdad and Moscow; meanwhile the consulate issued numerous tourism visas for Iraqis who wish to visit Russia.

“Iraq and Russia are working together to offer a direct flight from Baghdad to Moscow”, said the Russian Ambassador in Baghdad Ilya Murgunov in a statement to “Russia Today”. He pointed out that “the issue of the direct flight between the two countries is still going through its development phase”.

“Russia is ready to welcome any Iraqi tourists”, added Murgunov; pointing out that “the consulate of the Russian Embassy in Baghdad has issued a number of tourism visa for the Iraqis who wish to visit Russia”.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al Maliki announced on July 2, 2013 that he has agreed with his Russian counterpart for a meeting to be held with the joint high commission in Baghdad and plan a direct flight course between Baghdad and Moscow facilitating the transportation of businessmen and granting visas to Iraqis.
Updated 16 Feb 2014 | Soruce: Al Sumaria |
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