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Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) will bring positive impact to Iraqi economy

Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX) will bring positive impact to Iraqi economy
Member of the Economic Committee of the Kurdistan Alliance MP Mahma Khalil stated the importance of activating the stock market to increase storage and support the economy.
According to him, Iraq Stock Exchange will be a safe haven for the investors and thus it will bring positive impacts to the economy of the country. He also remarked that many States have serious and wish to enter the Iraqi market and are waiting for the improvement of the security and political situation.
On the matter of stability of Iraqi Dinar in exchange of USD, he mentioned that it is a subject to the security and political conditions for Iraq and the region, adding that the stability of the dinar would be a positive step to bring investors and strengthen the Iraqi market.
The fluctuations in the exchange rate of the dollar led to the trend of capital invested in the stock market to market supply and demand of foreign currency.
Updated 02 Sep 2013 | Soruce: IKH News | By S.Seal
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